
Gifted student questionnaire
Gifted student questionnaire

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Assessment of learning environments: Manual for Learning Environment Inventory (LEI) and My Class Inventory (MCI) (Third Version). Educational and Psychological Measurement, 58, 357–381.įraser, B. Item response theory and classical test theory: An empirical comparison of their item/person statistics. New Jersey, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.įan, X. California, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.Įmbretson, S. Psychological testing and assessment (4th ed.). Research Monograph 95132 for the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, University of Connecticut.Ĭohen, R. Instruments and evaluation designs used in gifted programs. Journal of Applied Measurement, 4, 258–268.īorsboom, D., Mellenbergh, G. Measuring client satisfaction with public education II: Comparing schools with state benchmarks. New York: Irvington Publishers Inc.īond, T. Psychology and education of the gifted (3rd ed.). Perth, Australia: RUMM Laboratory.īarbe, W. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.Īndrich, D., Sheridan, B., & Luo, G. Education Research and Perspectives, 9, 95–104.Īndrich, D. An index of person separation in latent trait theory, the traditional KR.20 index, and the Guttman scale response pattern. A rating formulation for ordered response categories. Both products of this process, the 45 and 20 item versions of the Gifted Student Classroom Satisfaction Questionnaire, were shown to provide highly reliable information on the variation of satisfaction within a gifted and talented classroom and to substantiate that the questionnaire could be used to draw valid inferences.Īndrich, D. This was done through a separate analysis of each item and subtest, with poorly functioning items deleted or rescored. A pilot questionnaire was completed by 111 students from the academically selected year group who provided data by which the questionnaire could be further refined to form the two final instruments. The content, language and structure were validated by teacher and student interviews. Information from the literature was combined to inform the writing of the sample items and organisation of subtests. The instrument produced and ranked lists of classroom satisfaction factors. The data were analysed with a Rasch measurement model computer program (RUMM2020) and this showed there was a very good fit to the measurement model. The primary purpose of this study was to create an instrument for collecting data from which valid inferences could be made for use in the context of a gifted and talented classroom.

Gifted student questionnaire